Ahhh, sleep.
That activity I used to take so much for granted. I am finding myself yet again turning to Mr. Google to seek to understand why my little munchkin desires so strongly to attach to my boob for hours at a time in the middle of the night and why she does not seem to understand that mummy needs sleep too. Is she hungry? Is it separation anxiety? A sleep association?
I'm going for the latter at the moment and trialling a new technique I read about in one of Elizabeth Pantly's books. Put her on the boob, then take her off before she falls asleep and when she cries cause she wants to go back on, then put her back on and then 10 seconds later take her off again until eventually she accepts being off and doesnt cry, then hold her until she is asleep and then place her in the cot, hope she doesnt wake up and creep out of the room, ever so quietly and slowly. One false move could mean I have to start all over again. Sounds elaborate but its not much more than what I am enduring already and it does give me some hope of a better nights sleep in hopefully the not too distant future.
Roma has always had difficulty sleeping. I feel like we have experienced every possible problem already, we did the Government approved version of controlled crying when she was 3 months old, we tried co-sleeping, rocking to sleep, feeding to sleep, dummies, blankies, carefully temperature controlled environments, different blanket options etc. She never sleeps thorugh the night but we usually find a happy middle ground somewhere between 6 wakings a night and one 1 hour wake per night. If its manageable for me then I will let it be. I hoped she would grow out of it and just start weaning herself and sleeping through on her own but alas, i do not think that is going to happen.
So now, its up to Elizabeth Pantly and I to see how we go.
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