I have taken them for granted for so many years, too long it seems. This week I was reminded how valuable my teeth are, how precious they are and how easily they can be lost. As a consequence I now value Roma's teeth alot more too.
I never really went to the dentist as a child, I vaguely remember the primary school dental van but I never went in high school. My parents had false teeth from their early twenties so they never went to the dentist either. So I was not taught about the importance of going to the dentist, I knew thoeretically I was supposed to go to the dentist every 6 months, but I assumed that was just for rich people or people who had teeth problems, I never had any pain or felt any holes, so why waste my money?
Then the other day i felt a little hole, and then a crack and then one morning a whole chunk of my molar fell out. I panicked and called a dentist. So along I went and had it filled during a terrible ordeal that i don't think i will repeat only to say that i am never going to that dentist again. But it was through that experience I decided to get a full clean and check (with another dentist). This dentist was much more polite and pleasant and he explained to me how decay forms and how it can go unoticed for years before it is too late and he removed a stain from my front teeth i thought was permanent, that i had since i was a child. Luckily i had no other decay (I put that down to the fact that i dont drink soft drink) and afterwards i had a new respect for dental care. The dentist also taught me how to ensure Roma's teeth are taken care of and she isn't afraid of the dentist, advice which i am going to take up.
Coincidentally my sister has recently also gone to a dentist after years of neglecting her teeth (as I had). She has to have 3 removed, and replaced with permanent false teeth costing $15,000. With an 11 month old baby, and her husbands single income it is money she doesnt have. So what now? That is up to her to decide and i thank my lucky stars i dont have the same dilemma. I am going to make sure Roma never has to face that dilemma either.
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