My gorgeous baby girl Roma, at 8 months, showing me her new trick!

Sunday, 19 August 2012

Completely weaned and sleeping through

I never thought i would write that title. Sleeping through? As if! But hooray, Roma is in fact sleeping through! She turned 18 months old the week before last and after no luck with the Elizabeth Pantly method of night weaning i decided to go cold turkey and it went surprisingly well.
Roma only protested for about 10 minutes, one to three times a night for only 3 nights, before she accepted that booby was 'all done' and snuggled in for a cuddle instead. A few nights later she slept through. She sleeps through about 50% of the time now, and waking only once on the other nights for a drink of water and a cuddle.
It was the night weaning that did it. That and a 'rainshower' white noise MP3 and we are both getting alot more sleep. Then 3 days ago i thought i would try not breastfeeding her before bed too, and she still went to sleep. And again the next night too, and the next. So before i knew it, our breastfeeding journey was over. I am a little sad, but it had to end sometime and the benefits of more sleep for both of us are worth it. I feel like i have given her little body a great start in life, all that good booby milk for 18 months will benefit her her entire life.
She is such a happy little girl, even more so now as i think those few extra hours of sleep each night have really made a difference to her mood. Her talking has also increased since the magic 18 month mark, she says about 10 words now and babbles constantly in her baby gibberish, she copies me alot more now too. She's growing up. I love it, i love that she is getting older, the older she gets the more of her personality i get to see, the easier she is to care for, the more interactive she is, the more she enjoys life. I took her to the Ekka yesterday and although she was scared of alot of the people dressed up in animal outfits, loud music and clown games, she had a ball at the animal nursery and fashion show (believe it or not...she loved it, she is such a girly girl). Roma's first Ekka :) She got a Dolly-kins showbag with a little dolly and carrier inside amongst other things. she loves dolls, such a little mother she is.

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