The aftermath of being on television has been both uplifting and dissapointing as Wil, Megan and I have received both positive and negative feedback from the 60 Minutes article. The vast majority of feedback I have received has been exceedingly positive and I am so glad that we have been able to touch so many. A lot of support has come from the SMC community which i am very thankful for, it seems many were bought to tears by my story - due in part I think to their ability to empathise with me as our journeys are bound to be similar. Although any mother that sees another mother in tears at the thought of how much love their child brings to their lives is likely to shed a tear, I think. The 60 minutes facebook page also had about 250 comments about the show, largely positive and family and friends have also been extremely supportive.
A transcript of the online chat i took part in after the show is now available online and i was able to read over my responses for the first time. I acutely remember the one now dubbed 'the Ryan question' as it was the only critical one to make it past the moderator. The moderator told me i didn't have to answer it but i wanted to. I especially want to help the critics understand why I decided this path for myself and my family. I am quite chuffed with my response, I think I nailed it!
Megan had one young girl she teaches, come up to her for a hug telling Megan that she is an inspiration and Wil had a teenage boy tell him, he too would like to donate sperm some day. Kids can be so sweet. However they have both also been subject to critisism in their small town and I feel for them. Some adults are not as open minded as the children. They are very strong people so I'm sure they will brush it off but I do feel a sense of responsibility for asking them to take part in the program in the first place. The very very last thing I want to do is be responsible for bringing them any pain.
Emma's website has received an influx of new donors, thanks to the story which is fantastic news. Many of them are married men, who after discussing it with their wives, decided it was something they would like to do. Well done to Wil and Megan for showing Australia that sperm donors are largely just ordinary Aussie guys who like to make a difference, and that they too can benefit from donating sperm.
A reporter from a newspaper of a nearby town has requested an interview with me and although initially enthusiastic I am feeling a bit cautious about where it is all heading. How far do I persue this? Do I want to be the face of donor conception? Do I want Roma to be? Someone has to do it, I know, but I do like my privacy and the spotlight is certainly not something I crave.
Due to the American couples participation in the 60 minutes story, it could be aired in the US, and I am waiting to hear now whether that will occur.
I have some thinking to do...
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