Ahh, its Mother's Day - and coincidentally to mark the occasion the paperback version of my book is now available! yay! I'm so thrilled it has finally been completed and formatted and made available. Project complete.
Although I'm sure Roma intended to make me breakfast in bed and bake me a cake, it didnt quite turn out that way (she is only 15 months old after all). I did go out for lunch though, on a date actually. I've entered the world that is Internet dating and so far I've met a couple of eligible batchelors. Interesting times ahead.
Roma climbed onto her rocking horse tonight for the first time, i got out the video camera to capture her first 'rocking' motions. I started her off myself before she soon got the hang of it :) That rocking horse has been sitting in the living room since Christmas and now, 5 months later she has finally realised its potential. I can see she is developing some of her body movements lately, she can run as well as walk, she figured out herself the best way to get down from the couch or my big bed, by turning around backwards, hanging her legs over teh side and sliding off, and the other day she was eating sloppy breakfast cereal and started licking it off her fingers one by one, poking the whole finger in her mouth and pulling it out, with the cereal landing efficiently on her tongue. Clever girl!
Still no words, just mama, but the list of words she understands has grown to about 40. I think she's concentrating on manouvering her physical body lately rather than developing her speech.
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